
KPS SYSTEMS servers are all located in Arezzo, Italy

Tier 4*/Rating 4:

The data center has been designed according to Tier 4*/Rating 4 redundancy criteria, the highest rating for data centers.

Power supply:

4.5 Megawatts of electrical power are provided to the servers, with a complete redundancy thanks to two separated Power Centers. Each Power Center has the capacity to power the data center on its own, even at full capacity, and is equipped with double conversion UPS systems with high energetic efficiency (2N type redundancy). Redundancy of Power Centers even for units with single power supply: For its own services, Aruba exclusively uses servers and appliances with double power supplies. Each Power Center is however backed-up by STS appliances (static Transfer Switch) able to ensure power continuity even to the appliances using single power units. Separated buildings for general power supply and UPS battery systems: In order to ensure a maximum security level for server rooms, power supply systems and UPS batteries are placed in 2 dedicated buildings, physically separated from the data center.

Fire resistant power cables:

We exclusively use power cables that are equipped with MGT (Mica Glass Tape), a fire barrier coating able to ensure power continuity even in cases of localized fires. Redundant power generators with 48 hours of autonomy at full capacity: The data center is equipped with autonomous power generators with underground fuel tanks able to provide energy for 48 hours at full capacity without refueling.

Green data center:

We have put a lot of attention in the optimization of the data center in terms of energy consumption. The entire cooling system of the server rooms has been equipped with highly effective direct expansion appliances, linked together in a network and optimized by a system able to adjust the level of cooling provided. The building is also equipped with a free-cooling system. Through the use of colder outside air, meticulously filtered and corrected at humidity and temperature level, we are able to reduce the use of heat pumps and thus reduce the energy consumption and the impact on the environment. Finally, the server racks are equipped with an innovating system of cold air management, concentrating colder air on the front of the servers and enabling better energy efficiency.

Redundancy of air conditioning systems under UPS protection:

The air conditioning systems in server and power rooms are made of multiple redundant appliances able to guarantee a perfect functioning of the cooling even in case of simultaneous unit failures. The entire installation is protected by a UPS system with batteries and power generators to avoid any interruption.

Bandwidth of 82 Gb/s:

The data centers IT1 and IT2 are inter-connected through a dedicated and redundant fiber-optic network. They total a bandwidth of 82Gb/s of Internet connectivity, provided through fiber-optic connections to the most important national and international service providers and to the main network access points (NAP).

Advanced Networking:

Each server rack is fitted with multiple redundant connections, made-up of fiber-optic cables and able to route up to 100Gb/s of traffic, as well as copper network cables (category 7A) able to route up to 10Gb/s of traffic. The central network is equipped with Cisco Nexus 7000 units, which are the most advanced on the market.

Physical security:

The data center has automatic fire detection and suppression systems, working with inert gas which is harmless for the staff and the electronic appliances. A system dedicated to the detection of leaks and flood is also present. The building is also equipped with armored doors and windows, an anti-climbing wall and an intrusion alarm system installed in each alley and connected to the double identification access control system. Finally, a closed-circuit television system (CCTV) with more than a hundred cameras enables us to monitor the entire building.

Monitoring 24x7:

The data center is controlled by a monitoring team 24/7 and 365 days a year. In addition to this, the data center is equipped with a BMS (Building Management System) able to inform in real time a secondary technical team in case of issues while giving them the possibility to remotely manage the machines.

ISO 9001, ISO 27001 and ISO 50001 certified:

The data center has been awarded ISO 9001:2015 certification for quality, ISO 27001:2013 certification for security and ISO 50001:2011 certification for its energy management system. ISO/IEC 27017, ISO/IEC 27018 and ISO/IEC 27035 declaration of conformity: The data center has Cloud security controls in compliance with ISO/IEC 27017:2015, management of personal data on the Cloud in compliance with ISO/IEC 2018:2014, and management of security incidents and events in compliance with ISO/IEC 27035:2016. * The term ‘Tier’ was used in the ANSI/TIA-942 Standard until the ANSI/TIA-942:March-2014 edition. In the March 2014 edition the term ‘Tier’ has been replaced by either 'Rated' or 'Rating'.